Exchange students & internships

Would you like to live and study in Aruba? Maybe is an exchange or an internship interesting for you.

We can offer interesting internships for student attending MBO, HBO and University. With a focus on the fields of Graphic – or Product design and Teachers of fine arts and design. If you a specialized in a different field of interest but you do think you will fit in our team. Please contact us as well and maybe we can help you.

Coming to Aruba for your internship longer then a month, will ask some preparation before your arrival. We know that this can be a challenging on your own. Therefore we are happy to help you.

Step 1 > Check your own school
Contact your school to check if it will be possible. F

Step 2 > Contact us
Contact Design Academy Aruba for the possibilities.

Step 2 > Internship contract
Think about your expectations. What will the duration of your internship be? What would you like to learn and do? Then we can create an internship/ exchange student contract.

Step 4 > Collect documents
Before your arrival you need collect a lot of documents. This will take some time!

  1. Prove of attending your school
  2. Internship contract
  3. Antecedentes Penales or VOG – Verklaring omtrent gedrag
  4. Prove of income (parents / savings / studiefinanciering)
  5. Prove of travel insurance
  6. Passport photo (35mm x 45mm)
  7. Kopie of you pasport

Step 5 > DPL
Apply for letter of notification at DPL
this proces takes about a month or longer. We advise you to do this +- 3 to 4 months before arrival.

Step 6 > Dimas
Apply for a visum at Dimas
this proces takes about a month or longer. We advise you to do this 2 to 3 months before arrival.

Step 7 > Planeticket
Book your ticket. From Amsterdam we advise you to travel with KLM or Tui. When you arrive somebody off the Academy will be there to pick you up.

Step 8 > Accommodation
We have limited low cost studio’s available at our Academy. Ask for the possibilities and prices. Another populair place for interns to stay is Aruba Blue Village.

Step 9 > Register or not?
Make the decision if you would like to get registered in Aruba or not. This also depends of the duration of your stay and your own private situation. We are happy to help you to make this decision.

Step 10 > Welcome to Aruba

If you have any other questions, please contact us. We are happy to help you.