Vooropleiding Art School

In this program, you will take a very hands-on approach as we provide you with tips and tools to help you develop your creativity more quickly. In addition to drawing and painting extensively, you will also receive lessons in creative thinking, illustration, color, typography, photography, and portfolio building.

This will give you a solid foundation to progress to a creative program such as Art & Design (MBO level 4) or another art & design school in the Netherlands or the United States. Therefore the classes are in Dutch and English and take place one evening per week, and last two hours. The program will start in February and conclude with a certificate of participation.

During this program, you will work very practically, and we will provide you with tips and tools to accelerate your creative development. Besides extensive drawing and painting practice, you will receive lessons in creative thinking, illustration, color, ceramics, photography, and portfolio building.


Wednesday 7:00 - 9:00 pm 
Start 5 februari 2025 
4 Months / 12 lessons 660 AWG
1 block of 2 lessons 110 AWG
Check for more details our lesson plan

Are you interested? Or would you like to join us in Februari? Please contact us or register here.

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