Design Academy Aruba is the connector between international art education, governments and businesses. We are not a school. But we do provide workshops, readings and lessons. To be able to facilitate a diverse and qualitative program we work together with local and international professionals.

MBO niveau 4 / Art & Design
Are you creative? Would you like to turn your passion into a career? Become a graphic designer!
Enrollment is still possible in January. This is a full-time, four-year program. Sign up for our trial day or schedule a personal meeting.

Vooropleiding Art School
Would you like to enter an Art school in Aruba or the Netherlands?
In this program, you will take a very hands-on approach as we provide you with tips and tools to help you develop your creativity more quickly and help you to build your portfolio.

Graphic design course
Basic introduction to graphic design. During this course you will learn to use programs like Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop.
By the end of the course, you’ll understand the basics of these programs and how to use them for your own creative ideas. This is a beginners course.